Unlock the Joy of Lifelong Learning

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a lifelong learner, I’ve always loved the joy of discovering new things. Even as a teenager, I’d ride my bike to the city library in the summer and spend the day exploring.

Every time I learn something new, I feel a spark of happiness—it’s like tapping into a fountain of youth. Learning makes me feel alive and constantly growing.

Haemin Sunim, a Korean Buddhist monk, writes, “If you want to be young at heart, learn something new. No matter how old you are, if you become a student, you will experience many sparks of joy from learning and feel young at heart. You will also discover how to become happy without having to rely on others.” When Things Don’t Go Your Way: Zen Wisdom for Difficult Times.

Learning brings happiness from within, independent of external factors like what others say or do or circumstances. I can generate and enjoy this happiness at any time.

The Benefits of Learning

• Learning fuels my growth and evolution, constantly reshaping and reinvigorating my life. As Paul Jun writes in Connect The Dots: Strategies and Meditations On Self-education, “Traditional education may not be for everyone, but learning is indeed a part of what it means to be human. It champions growth, evolution, and change.”

• Learning brings happiness from within, independent of external factors like what others say or do or circumstances. I can generate and enjoy this happiness at any time.

• Learning new things stimulates me mentally. It keeps my mind active, sharp, and engaged, contributing to my overall mental well-being.

When I read or listen to others, I don’t passively accept everything as presented. I engage with the material critically, noting what I agree and disagree with and the reasons for my thinking.

Unfortunately, many adults let their minds stagnate after ending their formal education. This is especially true of retirees who may not have daily opportunities to learn new skills.

• Learning gives me new skills. I regularly learn new skills that I can use. I know how to use apps more effectively by working through the excellent MacSparky Field Guides and online courses like those available at The Sweet Setup.

When I was presenting to groups about how to use apps, I realized the need for screencasts. After choosing a screencasting app, I reviewed the tutorial videos available on the company’s website and several YouTube videos demonstrating its usage. This learning process equipped me with the necessary skills to create my own screencasts that could be effectively incorporated into my presentations.

How to Take Control of Your Learning

There are countless opportunities to learn, both formally and informally.

• Formal Learning. You can return to school and take college courses or online college-level free courses.

As an adult with a family, I returned to school and obtained a bachelor’s and a graduate degree in religion. In my 40s, I attended law school, studied for and passed the State Bar Exam, and launched a new career as an attorney.

• Informal learning. In the last twenty years, almost all of my learning has been informal. I read books, listen to podcasts, take online courses, participate in webinars, and read blogs every day. These help me become more educated in life in general and learn new skills and abilities.

• Teaching. My best learning often occurs when I prepare to teach others. For the last six months, I’ve been volunteering at the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site in South Dakota. I trained to lead small group tours at the site’s preserved Launch Control Facility.

“Humans learn best from other (live) humans. Perhaps more surprising, people learn from teaching others—often more than the pupils absorb.”

Annie Murphy Paul,The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain.

To lead tours, I needed to learn more about the Minuteman Missile System’s background and the specific building where I would be giving tours, including all the equipment inside and outside the building.

I had to organize my thoughts and really dig into my topic. I had to feel prepared to answer questions, and I’m working hard to make sure my information is accurate. Even after giving many tours, I’m still learning and updating my tour script.

Start Your Journey of Learning Today

Whether you’re picking up a new hobby, delving into a complex subject, or teaching others, the joy of learning is a journey worth embarking on at any age.

So, why not start today?

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