Condemn More, Understand Less — The Danger of Outrage Culture

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe live in a culture of outrage. The news media and social media intentionally feed this culture. It’s an enemy of intentional living because it’s pure manipulation. It’s the opposite of thoughtful and deliberate reasoning and thinking. It’s the direct result of news media and social media using “click-bait” to grab your attention and manipulate …

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The Importance of Having Purpose in Retirement

Reading Time: 4 minutesI live in a 55+ community in the Phoenix Arizona area. Almost all of our 26,000 residents are retired.  The prevailing attitude is “I’m retired, and my reward for working is to not do anything but play.” This is reflected by declining participation in the service organizations in our community. Most of the people I know …

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The Power of Quarterly and Weekly Reviews

Reading Time: 6 minutesA couple of years ago I was at a point in my retirement where the “permanent fun vacation” (finally freed from work!) period was over, and I was feeling bored, unproductive, and unfulfilled. I fortunately encountered material written by David Sparks (aka MacSparky) on how to do a life roles inventory and evaluation. I took …

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Friends of Dave Interview

Reading Time: < 1 minuteTwo weeks ago I was honored to be interviewed by David Sparks, otherwise known as MacSparky. He’s a technology writer, podcaster, online-course teacher, YouTube host, father, and, until very recently, lawyer. I’ve followed his work for many years, and look to him as a teacher and mentor. I’ve always appreciated his creative skills and teaching, …

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If You’re Retired or Getting Ready to Retire, You Need to Know This

Reading Time: 4 minutesI stumbled across a YouTube video this morning that I wish I’d seen before I retired. When I retired, I had a vague idea of how life might change, and I tried to do some planning, but I was really totally unprepared for the reality. When I watched this video, I immediately identified with it. …

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How a Roles-Based Productivity System Brought Clarity and Purpose to my Life in Retirement

Reading Time: 7 minutesThe roles-based approach has made a huge difference in my life. Will a roles-based system be helpful for you? Maybe so, maybe not. We’re all different and respond to different approaches. I think many people would find it much more helpful than the traditional “what are your values and life mission” approach.