Friends of Dave Interview

Reading Time: < 1 minuteTwo weeks ago I was honored to be interviewed by David Sparks, otherwise known as MacSparky. He’s a technology writer, podcaster, online-course teacher, YouTube host, father, and, until very recently, lawyer. I’ve followed his work for many years, and look to him as a teacher and mentor. I’ve always appreciated his creative skills and teaching, …

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If You’re Retired or Getting Ready to Retire, You Need to Know This

Reading Time: 4 minutesI stumbled across a YouTube video this morning that I wish I’d seen before I retired. When I retired, I had a vague idea of how life might change, and I tried to do some planning, but I was really totally unprepared for the reality. When I watched this video, I immediately identified with it. …

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How a Roles-Based Productivity System Brought Clarity and Purpose to my Life in Retirement

Reading Time: 7 minutesThe roles-based approach has made a huge difference in my life. Will a roles-based system be helpful for you? Maybe so, maybe not. We’re all different and respond to different approaches. I think many people would find it much more helpful than the traditional “what are your values and life mission” approach.