An Interesting Apple News Day – Now We Don’t, Now we do!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Early this morning, around 6:30 am, I read the posts collected on my RSS reader, Feedly. There were at least two articles from major Apple news blogs stating that there would not be an Apple event next week as many expected. The articles expressed disappointment. A few hours later, I visited the MacSparky website to …

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My Love/Hate Feelings About Apple Rumors

Reading Time: 2 minutes I like being surprised, amazed, and delighted by what Apple announces at events. If I read the articles and the speculation is correct, it’s almost anticlimactic when the actual announcements are made. That takes a lot of the fun out of Apple events for me.

Our Practice Is Its Own Reward

Reading Time: 2 minutes The motivation for our practice comes from our seeing a need, a problem. We seek to solve that problem or need with our personal contribution by teaching, blogging, podcasting, writing. Godin calls this a “generous practice” because at heart its genesis is our desire to help others.

My Impressions of AirPods Generation 3

Reading Time: 3 minutes When the new AirPods 3 came out, I read that they had a different design. Some reviewers indicated that they might be a better fit for some people. I decided to order a pair and see how they fit. Since Apple has a 14-day return policy, I could always return them if they didn’t fit better than my old ones.

Welcome to my New Blog

Reading Time: 2 minutes My reason for starting this blog is to make my unique contribution to the blogging communities that I have learned so much from in the past years. I’m the kind of person who enjoys learning about new things, simplifying and structuring them, then creating projects to communicate my learning to others.