How I Solved My Lighting Woes with the Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Plug

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lighting can make or break the ambiance in your home. Recently, I found myself facing a common problem—my living room lamp was too bright for early mornings. The solution? A Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Plug I purchased from Amazon.

My Lighting Problem: Too Bright in the Morning

My living room lighting was a constant source of frustration. The floor lamp, while functional, flooded the room with harsh light. I needed a way to control the lighting—softer in the early hours, brighter as the day progressed.

I get up early, often before it’s light out. After getting a cup of coffee I sit on the living room sofa and do my morning routine on my iPad. The living room light was way too bright in the early morning, so I often sat in darkness instead of enduring the harsh light while working through my routine.

My Lighting Solution: a Dimmer Plug

I considered installing another lamp with a lower-lumen bulb, but our living room layout didn’t allow for that. The solution I found was the Leviton Decora smart dimmer plug.

We live in an apartment, so I didn’t want to install a wall dimmer switch that would require me to uninstall it and hook up the old switch again when we move. Instead, I searched for Apple-compatible smart dimmer plugs on Amazon and found this Leviton dimmer plug. By using a plug, I can simply unplug it when we move.

This dimmer plug has exceeded my expectations. With just a simple voice command to Siri, I can turn on and adjust the lighting to exactly what I need. One of the things I enjoy about this plug is that it uses smooth transitions when I change the dimming percentage. It also automatically returns to the last setting when I turn it on after it’s been off.

Connecting it to my Apple Home system was simple. It comes with an app that provides multiple options for how it works. You can turn it on or off with the app and dim the percentage. You can set the fade rate, and you can set it to either return to the previous brightness or return to a specified brightness when you turn it back on.

The Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Plug has transformed my living room experience, offering the flexibility I was looking for. If you’re facing similar lighting woes, this little device might just be the perfect solution. Priced at around $32 on Amazon, it’s a small investment for a big improvement.

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