Introduction: The Laptop Sticker Debate
When I’ve gone to work in different coffee shops, I’ve noticed some virtually cover their laptops with stickers, some have maybe a couple of stickers, and many don’t have any stickers at all.
What’s the difference? Why do some choose to use stickers and others do not? Are there benefits and disadvantages to using stickers?
The Benefits of Laptop Stickers
There are several benefits to using stickers on your laptop:
• Personal Expression and Identity. Using stickers on a laptop allows users to express themselves personally. You can showcase your interests, hobbies, and affiliations, making your laptop uniquely yours.
You can feature favorite quotes, artwork, or brand logos that resonate with you. Some people express themselves by covering the backs of their cars with bumper stickers, and others by covering the backs of their laptops with stickers.
• Protection Against Wear and Tear.A possible benefit of using stickers on your laptop is to protect the laptop surface. High-quality stickers can act as a protective layer, shielding your laptop from minor scratches and wear.
• Easy Identification in Shared Spaces. Another potential benefit of stickers is easy identification. Customized stickers can help distinguish your laptop from others, reducing the risk of mix-ups in shared spaces.
The Drawbacks of Laptop Stickers
However, there are also some disadvantages to using stickers:
• Destroying the Beauty of a Laptop. One disadvantage of stickers is that some see them as destroying the artistic beauty of a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.
Apple’s product designs are beautiful, and I don’t want to destroy that aesthetic by putting stickers on them. Using an artistically designed laptop makes me happy. I don’t want to cover up that beauty with stickers.
• Residue and Surface Damage. Another negative is potential surface damage caused by sticker residue. Some stickers, especially those made of paper or with strong adhesives, can leave residue or cause surface damage upon removal. To reduce this risk, opt for high-quality vinyl or plastic stickers designed for easy removal.
• Potential Overheating Risks. Stickers placed over laptop ventilation areas can cause overheating by obstructing airflow. Ensure stickers are placed away from vents and cooling components.
• Professional Image Concerns. Another disadvantage of stickers is that they may not project a professional image. A laptop adorned with stickers may be perceived as unprofessional in specific professional settings, like a lawyer using a laptop in court.
Consider your work environment and company policies before applying stickers, especially on work-issued devices. In many corporate offices, stickers may be either banned or frowned upon. On the other hand, if you work as a computer programmer, generous use of stickers might be considered a part of the culture.
Stickers – To Each Their Own
Ultimately, whether or not to sticker your laptop is a personal decision. Some enjoy the individuality and personality stickers add to their devices, while others value their clean, minimalist design.
Both choices are valid. What matters most is that your laptop reflects who you are, whether it is sticker—adorned or not.
I’m sticking with no stickers for now. (But I have an Apple sticker on my vehicle’s back window!)